AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-07-22reco wait 1 second to remove notificationXiao Pan
2024-07-22reco fulscreen record flagXiao Pan
2024-07-07mpra exit 1 instead or 0 when no PKGBUILD seems more correctXiao Pan
2024-07-07mpra maybe more correct to use -u instead of -t, because I do not care if ↵Xiao Pan
time is preserved, not tested
2024-07-04pa use ping -c1 instead of -w5, less packets to send, maybe more correct and ↵Xiao Pan
2024-07-03fix: vpn need restore wg defaults at aa for all insp to aa connection down ↵Xiao Pan
2024-06-30vpn add promptXiao Pan
2024-06-29aa is easier to read than xyzaaXiao Pan
2024-06-29feat: copy insp mirrorlists to studio when in same networkXiao Pan
2024-06-28upd copy ca mirrorlist to aa because now aa wg to caXiao Pan
2024-06-28updateXiao Pan
2024-06-27updateXiao Pan
2024-06-27new aa vpn default wg to ca, so need to disable that and enable aa vpn ↵Xiao Pan
server listen to insp wg directly
2024-06-27refactor: only awk, no need grepXiao Pan
2024-06-26vip add new aa vpn outputXiao Pan
2024-06-26add wg_aa vpn thingsXiao Pan
2024-06-25fix: upd consider xyzaa reflector get cn mirrorlistsXiao Pan
2024-06-24refactorXiao Pan
2024-06-24updateXiao Pan
2024-06-24refactorXiao Pan
2024-06-24refactor: upd less code to add for new VPSXiao Pan
2024-06-24feat: u auto get host nameXiao Pan
2024-06-22ujs refactor and add toggle webgl featureXiao Pan
2024-06-22rename rfp as ujs, cause I will add feature of enable webglXiao Pan
2024-06-19fix: upd duplicity --use-agent gpg key maybe timeout with do full backup, ↵Xiao Pan
not using it now
2024-06-18I decided to use `cd ... || exit` instead of `exit 1`Xiao Pan
Because only exit will still return cd error code, so no need to exit 1.
2024-06-18Remove ccgpXiao Pan
This `cc -Wall $(pkg-config --cflags --libs gsl --libs plplot) -o filename filename.c` works well and I also take notes about old way. ccgp is not very useful now because I'm more familiar with build process and I don't want to link unnecessary libraries when require less libs.
2024-06-16feat: auto get filenames when make so no need to manually add new filenamesXiao Pan
2024-06-15remove dynotifyXiao Pan
2024-06-05upd: remove dyafk related, dyafk useless, not count as watch timeXiao Pan
2024-06-05remove dyafk related, dyafk useless, not count as watch timeXiao Pan
2024-06-03news: check personal website only monthlyXiao Pan
2024-05-31fix: dynotify: check curl retuen so when failed it will not crashXiao Pan
Before when no internet, curl error "curl_easy_perform() failed: Couldn't resolve host name" will cause `json_tokener_parse(chunk.response)` to crash the program with error "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I guess maybe because chunk.response is NULL because curl error not assign value to it. Now I check return error code of curl to break the loop and wait a minute to see if error gone and proceed forward. Maybe also check chunk.response and json function error code somehow.
2024-05-28refactorXiao Pan
2024-05-28refactor: dynotify: less codeXiao Pan
2024-05-28dynotify: commentXiao Pan
2024-05-28Revert "refactor: dynotify"Xiao Pan
This reverts commit 70379c13e8d77d4e62c351df92a956b4cb3f2e5c. Because I like the old code that specify how large the string is.
2024-05-28refactor: dynotifyXiao Pan
2024-05-28fix: dynotify: memory leakXiao Pan
2024-05-28edit dynotify so maybe less RAM usageXiao Pan
2024-05-28add dynotifyXiao Pan
2024-05-26upd consider studio stop dyafk before update arkenfox userjsXiao Pan
2024-05-17after u, dwm mod-i to make ia and ca on left screen and rest on rightXiao Pan
2024-05-10upd consider clean firefox profile arkenfox userjs_backups dirXiao Pan
2024-05-10upd consider clean studio firefox profile arkenfox backup dirXiao Pan
2024-05-10upd consider studio dyafk firefox profile arkenfox userjs updateXiao Pan
2024-05-07dyafk no need lgo kill firefox, firefox will print "Exiting due to channel ↵Xiao Pan
error." which is logged
2024-05-05dyafk init pid varXiao Pan
2024-05-05dyafk killall firefox pid cause ungracefully poweroff and prompt warning ↵Xiao Pan
cause not actually open url, kill only parent process maybe can fix
2024-05-05upd commentXiao Pan