#!/bin/sh # Curl Gnu Mailman Mailing list archive # use with ggm # steal AGPL-3.0-only licensed code from https://code.librehq.com/ots/ots-tools/-/blob/main/search-mailman-archive # testing mailing list archives: # https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/cgit/ # https://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx/ # only year: # https://dianne.skoll.ca/pipermail/remind-fans/ # misc urls: # https://wiki.list.org/DOC/How%20do%20I%20make%20the%20archives%20searchable # https://martin-thoma.com/how-to-analyze-mailman-archives/> # maybe need "${1%/}" url="$1" dir="$(basename "$1")_mail_archives" mkdir "$dir" # Then parse it to get links to all the gzipped archive files for # individual months. # only tested with monthly and yearly archives, not tested with quarterly for month in $(curl -L "$url" \ | awk -F'"' '/href="[0-9]{4,4}(-[[:alnum:]]+)?\.txt(\.gz)?">\[/{print $2}'); do { curl -s -L -o "$dir/$month" "$url/$month" echo "Fetched $month..." if [ "${month##*.}" = gz ]; then gunzip "$dir/$month" fi } & done wait