#!/bin/sh # DouYu AFK # maybe another way: https://open.douyu.com/source while :; do # credit: MIT licensed https://github.com/DIYgod/RSSHub/blob/master/lib/routes/douyu/room.ts if [ "$(curl -s https://www.douyu.com/betard/9640128 | jq '.room.show_status')" -eq 1 ]; then if ! pidof -q firefox; then firefox --headless --profile "$HOME/.mozilla/firefox/dyafk" https://www.douyu.com/9640128 & # assign previous background process to pid variable pid=$! fi else if [ "$pid" ]; then # seems need to only SIGTERM kill the parent firefox process, else firefox will prompt me firefox closed unexpectedly warning which cause firefox not actually open the url # https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/fq1mhi/kill_firefox_gracefully_via_terminal_headless/ # firefox seems now can handle SIGTERM on linux? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1837907 kill "$pid" pid= # for logging, I want to know when firefox killed echo 'kill firefox' fi fi # open.douyu.com AUP for api request seems very high, about 6k/min per api? see https://open.douyu.com/source/api/5 # although I don't use open.douyu.com api but can be used as a reference, so I think 1 request per minute is ok sleep 60 done