#!/bin/sh # MPV Yank/Youtube videos # references: # https://www.rockyourcode.com/til-how-to-watch-youtube-videos-with-mpv-and-keyboard-shortcuts/ flag=s format= cookie= download_dir= fps=30 height=$SCR_HEIGHT url= cookie_ytdl= cookie_mpv= # option f and h may do nothing if redownload? since same filename exist. yt-dlp won't download same file even without --auto-file-renameing=false. how improve? pass argument to aria2c? while getopts Aabcd:f:h:su: opt; do case $opt in # s: streaming, a: aria2c then mpv, A: aria2c A|a|s) flag=$opt;; b) format='bestvideo+bestaudio/best';; c) cookie=1;; d) download_dir="$OPTARG";; f) fps="$OPTARG";; h) height="$OPTARG";; u) url="$OPTARG";; \?) exit 1;; esac done [ "$url" ] || url="$(xsel -ob)" if [ -z "$format" ]; then # xyzstudio GPU #vformat="[height<=?$height][fps<=?$fps][vcodec!^=?vp9][vcodec!^=?av01]" vformat="[height<=?$height][fps<=?$fps][vcodec!^=?av01]" # usually get .mp4 video + .webm audio on youtube, yt-dlp needs to merge them to .mkv # it used to cause problem, but I forget format="bestvideo$vformat+bestaudio/best$vformat" fi if [ "$cookie" ] || case "$url" in *bilibili.com/*);; *) false;; esac; then cookie_ytdl="--cookies-from-browser $BROWSER" cookie_mpv="cookies-from-browser=$BROWSER" fi case $flag in # here if use --write-sub, mpv doesn't recognize subtitles? # --embed-subs is a little bit better, but still worse then direct streaming # --sponsorblock-remove will make audio/video goes out of sync, need --force-keyframes-at-cuts which need re-encode which is slow, more see comments at the bottom of https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/871 # another way is using mpv-sponsorblock-minimal-git for streaming and sponsorblock-mpv-local for local videos A) yt-dlp -f "$format" --embed-subs -P "${download_dir:-"$XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR/mpvy/"}" --sponsorblock-remove default --sponsorblock-mark default $cookie_ytdl "$url";; a) yt-dlp -f "$format" --embed-subs -P "${download_dir:-"$XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR/mpvy/"}" --sponsorblock-remove default --sponsorblock-mark default $cookie_ytdl "$url" --exec 'mpv --fs --speed=2';; s) mpv --ytdl-format="$format" --ytdl-raw-options="write-sub=,$cookie_mpv" --fs --speed=2 "$url";; esac # not sure if this is the best practice, but it seems working ;) status=$? [ $status -ne 0 ] && notify-send 'mpvy failed' exit $status