#!/bin/sh # PRactice Password # maybe will leak password to ps/top/htop and swap file # not sure I only compare the password variables will leak or not read_pass () { stty -echo # -r necessary because password may contain backslash \ read -r entered_pass stty echo } pass_name="${1:-practice_password2}" # `| { IFS= read -r p; printf %s "$p"; }` steal from <https://git.zx2c4.com/password-store/tree/contrib/dmenu/passmenu#n34>, GPL-2.0-or-later; I use this because it is much faster than `| head -n1` correct_pass="$(pass "$pass_name" | { IFS= read -r p; printf %s "$p";})" echo "Enter password \"$pass_name\":" read_pass while ! [ "$entered_pass" = "$correct_pass" ]; do echo "Wrong password, enter again:" read_pass done # source prp by `. /bin/prp` will set these password variables as environment variables and can be accessed by the whole shell, so I unset these just in case unset entered_pass unset correct_pass echo "Correct password"