diff options
3 files changed, 48 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ce58481..9210ff0 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# For a command not to echo itself, prefix @ to the command
-SH = alarm backlight bell ccgp cfg chmodef curlqb dateft dirnameall gita gitfork gitmetap gitmetar gitpu grrc il lastarg loop lsp mll mmi mpra mpva mpvy mvln mvtr mvtu news o orgext pa pq px qg qw rate reco rfp sbar ta time-uuid topa upd vinfo wh wtr xmq prp vip vpn dnd
+SH = alarm backlight bell ccgp cfg chmodef curlqb dateft dirnameall gita gitfork gitmetap gitmetar gitpu grrc il lastarg loop lsp mll mmi mpra mpva mpvy mvln mvtr mvtu news o orgext pa pq px qg qw rate reco rfp sbar ta time-uuid topa upd vinfo wh wtr xmq prp vip vpn dnd cgm ggm
PACMAN_HOOKS = setcap-intel_gpu_top.hook setcap-iotop-c.hook setcap-nethogs.hook
PREFIX = /usr/local
diff --git a/sh/cgm b/sh/cgm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..262ebb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sh/cgm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Curl Gnu Mailman Mailing list archive
+# use with ggm
+# steal AGPL-3.0-only licensed code from
+# testing mailing list archives:
+# only year:
+# maybe need "${1%/}"
+dir="$(basename "$1")_mail_archives"
+mkdir "$dir"
+# Then parse it to get links to all the gzipped archive files for
+# individual months.
+# only tested with monthly and yearly archives, not tested with quarterly
+for month in $(curl -L "$url" \
+ | awk -F'"' '/href="[0-9]{4,4}(-[[:alnum:]]+)?\.txt(\.gz)?">\[/{print $2}'); do
+ {
+ curl -s -L -o "$dir/$month" "$url/$month"
+ echo "Fetched $month..."
+ if [ "${month##*.}" = gz ]; then
+ gunzip "$dir/$month"
+ fi
+ } &
diff --git a/sh/ggm b/sh/ggm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7bb66a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sh/ggm
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Grep Gnu Mailman Mailing list archive
+# use with cgm
+# testing mailing list archives:
+# only year:
+ls --zero | sort -zt- -k1,1n -k2,2.3M | xargs -0 grep -i --color=always "$@"
+# if want reverse sort, put r right after -k1,1n, more see `man sort`, e.g.:
+#ls --zero | sort -zt- -k1,1nr -k2,2.3Mr | xargs -0 grep -i --color=always "$@" | "$PAGER"