path: root/Makefile
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-06-16feat: auto get filenames when make so no need to manually add new filenamesXiao Pan
2024-06-15remove dynotifyXiao Pan
2024-06-05remove dyafk related, dyafk useless, not count as watch timeXiao Pan
2024-05-28add dynotifyXiao Pan
2024-05-05add dyafkXiao Pan
2024-04-19move u from cfgl to fsh, better and more automated uXiao Pan
2024-04-17new ccp script cfg cherry pick helperXiao Pan
2024-04-01curl and grep GNU Mailman mailing list archive scriptsXiao Pan
2024-03-12feat: add dnd for DNS testingXiao Pan
2024-03-11feat: new vip vpn scripts, move vip from public archive repo to fsh, vpn for ...Xiao Pan
2024-02-28fix: add missing prp in MakefileXiao Pan
2024-02-23fix: setcap-iotop.hook renamed to setcap-iotop-c.hook, so need to change Make...Xiao Pan
2024-02-23add pacman hooksXiao Pan
2024-02-23Reorganize shell scripts into sh dir, consider in the future fsh will have di...Xiao Pan
2024-02-11updateXiao Pan
2024-01-13merge insp pp studio ka upd into one upd scriptXiao Pan
2024-01-09add makefileXiao Pan